Hudson Valley's Best Boarding and Training Facility!
Family Owned and Operated in Germantown, NY
518-537-7172 ~ info@k9teamtraining.com
Dog Agility is a popular canine sport in which a handler directs a dog through a variety of obstacles such as a tunnels, teeter-totter, tire jump, weave poles, pause table, and standard jumps. Dog Agility consists of guiding dogs correctly and rapidly through a series of obstacles under the guidance of their handlers and is one of the fastest growing dog sports in the United States. Fun for participants and spectators! Dog agility classes strengthen the bond between you and your dog, teach teamwork and is a great way for you and your dog to have a blast!
Agility Group Classes
Foundations I - Jumps & Tunnels
In this class we will be working on the skills your dog will need to learn about tunnels and jumping only. We will also focus on teaching the basic skills and flat work for handing. The main focus of this class will be on jumping style and techniques and teaching tunnels
Foundations II - Contacts
We will discus different ways to handle your dogs contact performance and find what will be best for you and your dog. We will then teach your dogs to perform each contact equipment correctly including the table performance as well.
Foundations III - Weave Poles
This class will show you different techniques to teaching the weave poles. At the end of this course your dog will know how to weave 6 poles.
Agility Course Work Classes
Agility Course work Classes are your constant continues learning atmosphere.
Novice Agility Course Work - This class is will be working on putting together multiple handling skills. You could have anywhere from 10-15 obstacle at one time. We will also take the time to talk and discus different handling options and why.
Master Agility Course Work - We will have full courses set up for you and your dog to run. You will have all the handling skills and challenges to practice. No worries, we will help you with any skill that might have been forgotten over time. Courses can be anywhere form 18-25 obstacles.
Week of May 16, 2022
Monday - May 16, 23, 30 & June 6
10:30am - Master Agility
11:30am - Novice Agility
6:30pm - Master Agility
Tuesday - May 17, 24, 31, June 7
11:30am - Foundations I or II
6:30pm - Foundations I or II
Friday - May 20, 27, June 3, 10
10:00am - Master Agility
11:00am - Novice Agility
5:00pm - Foundations I or II
6:00pm - Master Agility
Sign Up Now!
Please go to the Contact us page and fill out the form with your requested class title, day and time of class or feel free to call us in the office at 518-537-7172.
Important Class information:
All Group Classes are 4 weeks long and cost $100 plus NYS sales tax($108). You have to commit to your class dates and times. If you have to cancel a class, you are only allowed 1 make up spot into another class of similar title. If you can not choose a make class time that works for you, that class will not be refunded.
Class Rules:
Respect people and dogs space while walking your dogs and while waiting for your turn.
If there is a back to back classes or lessons. Please be considerate about your class mates before you and if you arrive early and want to potty your dog please walk in field adjacent to the training building.
PLEASE POTTY YOUR DOG OUTSIDE THE RING! If your dog has an accident inside the ring or on my fence You will be responsible for a $5 clean up fee.
If you are interested in joining a class but can't work the time into your schedule please email us with a requested class title and best times. We want to make this work for everyone!
Thanks Samantha Lehan
We are currently working in our indoor room on Foundational Training only for the winter. The Outdoor arena will open back up in the spring.
Contact us to book a Private Lesson!
Private Lessons
Customized one-on-one lessons with our experienced trainers can be conducted either in your home or at our training facility. Private lessons can be booked for 30 mintues or 60 minutes long. Private lessons provide the opportunity for you to get expert advice and training specific to your needs. This means we move at your pace and target skill and behaviors that are important to you and your dog.

Ring Rental
Don't have the equipment at home, need to focus on something specific, or just need to run a course and train? You can rent our Agility Field or Indoor Training Hall with all the highest quality agility equipment. Call or email us to set up your training time!
The ring rental fee is $30 per hour. We will be enforcing a one hour minimum to rent and then after that it can be rented in 30 min increments for $15. (ie: 1.5hrs $45 or 2.5hrs $75)
Multiple people are allowed to share a rental time. The maximum people under a regular rental fee is 3 people and more that that is $10 per additional person per hour. If you would like to use our facility for teaching, you must have owners approval first.
Moving Equipment if their is a course set up please do not move the equipment and if you need to move equipment please return the set up the way it was before you leave.
More Information About Dog Agility:
In the United States, agility organizations hold competitions where dog and handler teams compete to earn titles. If you’d like to find out more about dog agility competitions and resources, check out the following organizations:
AKC (American Kennel Club)
USDAA (United States Dog Agility Association)
UKI (UK Agility International)
NADAC (North American Dog Agility Council)
CPE (Canine Performance Events)